by Sun Tzu, Translated & annotated by Lionel Giles, M.A.
Classics/Military Strategy
First published in 1910. Puppet Press published date Dec. 2001.
For two-and-a-half millennia, Sun Tzu’s Art of War has been the major book on how to successfully wage war. It is studied even today in military colleges around the world. Giles’ lively translation contains hundreds of notes that explain and give context to every line of the original text, including military strategies used by Chinese and other warriors from ancient China to the early 20th Century.
Art of War Upvoted on Reddit
There is an interesting debate going on Reddit on whether the Art of War book is useful for entrepreneurs or as business strategy. The post received hundreds of Reddit upvotes and dozens of comments on the topic. The thread made it to the first page of r/books, a very popular sub Reddit, without any evidence of users who buy Reddit upvotes. While we are not in the position to express our views on this, we encourage you to read more on both sides of the debate here. If you have already read the book, we would like to also invite you to leave your honest thoughts on the Reddit thread.
Update: the Reddit thread is archived so comments and upvotes cannot be posted any more. You can still read the discussions.
Why We Upvote on Reddit
We did contribute to upvoting the thread on Reddit. No doubt Art of War is a good read, and will always be a classic. But the book is written more than a century ago. Business strategies evolve over time. The discussion on Reddit is valid and presents some really good points. Exactly how relevant is Art of War on today’s world?